Set Up PrintJourney and Connect to Printify

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of setting up your PrintJourney account and connecting it to Printify, a popular print-on-demand platform. Learn how to configure PrintJourney, link your Printify stores, and ensure everything is running smoothly for a seamless print-on-demand experience.

About this lesson

Are you looking to start or optimize your print-on-demand business? In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up your PrintJourney account and connecting it to Printify, one of the most popular print-on-demand platforms. By the end of this video, you'll have a seamless integration between the two platforms, allowing you to focus on creating and selling your products.

Step 1: Create a Printify Account

To get started, head over to and sign up for a free account. Once you've created your account, you'll be greeted with the Printify dashboard. From here, you can connect your Printify account to various e-commerce platforms like Etsy, but for this tutorial, we'll focus on the PrintJourney integration.

Step 2: Sign Up for PrintJourney

Next, navigate to the PrintJourney website and sign up for an account. You can easily log in using your Google account via OAuth, ensuring a secure connection between PrintJourney and your Google profile.

Step 3: Connect Printify to PrintJourney

After logging into PrintJourney, you'll be directed to the onboarding page. To connect your Printify account, simply click on the "Connect" button next to the Printify logo. You'll be taken to an OAuth page, where you can securely grant PrintJourney access to your Printify account. Label the connection (e.g., "PrintJourney Store") and click "Allow" to proceed.

Step 4: Select Templates and Designs

After connecting Printify, you'll be presented with three template options: a square frame canvas, a square sticker, and a spun polyester square pillow. Choose the square frame canvas for this example and click "Next." On the following screen, select a design that appeals to you and proceed to the publish form.

Step 5: Publish Your First Draft Product

In the publish form, you'll see your chosen design, its description, and the selected template. Click on "Publish Draft" to apply the design to your square frame canvas and send it to Printify for processing.

Step 6: Manage Your Store Settings

After publishing your draft, you'll be redirected to the PrintJourney dashboard, where you'll see that your store is now synced with PrintJourney. To manage your store settings, click on the "Stores" tab and select your store. From here, you can add a store description and define your brand personality. For example, you might describe your store as "Tempo Tech is a brand that fuses music and technology" and set your brand personality to "friendly, music-loving." Click "Update" to save your changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I connect multiple Printify stores to PrintJourney? Yes, if you have multiple Printify stores linked to a single Printify account, all of those stores will be connected to PrintJourney. You can then select which store you want to publish products to.

  2. Is the connection between PrintJourney and Printify secure? Absolutely! The connection between PrintJourney and Printify is established using OAuth, which ensures a secure and protected link between the two platforms.

  3. Can I customize my store settings within PrintJourney? Yes, you can easily manage your store settings within PrintJourney. Simply navigate to the "Stores" tab, select your store, and update your store description and brand personality to align with your business's identity.

By following this tutorial, you'll have successfully set up your PrintJourney account and connected it to Printify, creating a seamless print-on-demand workflow. With this foundation in place, you'll be ready to create and sell your products with ease.

Stay tuned for more tutorials on maximizing your print-on-demand business with PrintJourney and Printify!

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